Investing in your future, bridging theory and practice: Why Pursue a Master’s Degree in Public Health?
Print/ViewAfter earning your bachelor’s degree, you find yourself at a crossroads: which route will take you towards the rewarding job you want? Isn’t it? And

Karnataka Government Speaker Recommends CHD Group for Rajyotsava Award
Print/ViewKarnataka Government speaker Shri U T Khader has recommended CHD Group – India’s leading public health organization headquartered in Mangaluru for the Karnataka Rajyotsava Award.

Dr. Edmond Fernandes addresses the Bangalore Medical Congress 2023
Print/ViewIndian Air Force Command Hospital Bangalore organized a scientific programme on Advancements in Geriatric Medicine held on 14th and 15th October, 2023 at the T

Relying on cultural diversity in the education process
Print/ViewBy Dr. Azadeh Nazari The term multiculturalism is a concept that has recently been emphasized by various societies for productivity in education, especially in the

CHD Group completes the 9th Foundation Day
Print/ViewCHD Group marked the 9th Foundation Day by holding a special training workshop on “ Health, Climate Change and Community Resilience – The World we

Family Courts in India must deliver speedy justice
Print/ViewIn the name of modernity, Indians have adopted the western culture to marry and divorce without much thought. As divorce, is no longer a stigma,

World’s Nutrition problem can be solved this way
Print/View End Malnutrition Initiative (EMI) – a novel public health concept to reduce the burden of Malnutrition was introduced by the Edward & Cynthia Institute

India’s CSR programmes must go through revamp
Print/ViewThe development of business and social wealth stands inspired in India today because of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In many ways, my team and I

Masters of Public Health (MPH) Degree as a career is your best decision of life
Print/ViewA Master of Public Health (MPH) degree is a postgraduate program at the Department of Public Health at Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) in association