Karnataka Government speaker Shri U T Khader has recommended CHD Group – India’s leading public health organization headquartered in Mangaluru for the Karnataka Rajyotsava Award. CHD Group has been silently championing health and development work in India and has worked in more than 16 states, 40 districts, 17,000 villages of India and has impacted over 4 million lives. Through the Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public Health – a unit of CHD Group, the organization further champions sustainable public health education as well besides skilling others for a bright future.
CHD Group has pioneered several innovative work in public health which has helped influence government policies and has provided for supportive supervision and hand-holding.
With such impactful work executed in 10 years, the speaker of the Government of Karnataka Assembly deemed it fit to support CHD Group. U T Khader has in the past also recommended the CEO of CHD Group, Dr. Edmond Fernandes for several other engagements, besides having participated and supported his work and the entire leadership at CHD Group.