CHD Group, a public health organization headquartered in Mangalore City intervened in Cyclone Fani hit Odisha along with their partners’ SEEDS and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bhubaneshwar.

Two medical teams provide medical relief and engage in health systems strengthening among communities in urban and rural pockets as per the directions from the District Administration of Puri on a daily basis. The average patients seen by both teams vary from 150-300 on a daily basis.

Dr. Edmond Fernandes, CEO, CHD Group who is also a community health physician by nature has been spearheading the effort along with Dr. Raviraj Kamble, Senior Resident, Dept of Community Medicine, AIIMS, Bhubaneshwar and Dr. Avneet Randhawa, National Consultant, CHD Group. Mr. Rohan Menezes, CHD Group Advisor is also on the ground engaged in coordination and grass-root level execution.

CHD Group has been working in the space of health systems strengthening and disaster risk reduction for many years now and have worked in major national disasters in the country. Post Cyclone Fani, the hygiene levels of people have deteriorated and they stand in need of primary health care. A lot of rural pockets have gone untouched by aid-agencies and reaching the last mile is a priority of CHD Group at all times.
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