Area Of work

Providing Hope on Wheels
CHD Group healthcare programme provides state of the art medical care factoring in social health with socio-economic development to leave no one behind and ensure sustainability at the heart of development for communities

CHD Group POSHAN ABHIYAN programme supports mothers and communities to wipe out malnutrition from their area and also ensure their child never falls into the bracket of Severe Acute Malnutrition.

CHD School Health Services provides innovative health service to children from Government Schools building them into leaders of tomorrow’s India by shaping their health, educating them for taking ownership in family health and by championing leadership in their formative years for road safety, disaster response, community development and much more.

CHD WASH Interventions prevents children and communities from falling prey to infectious diseases and to lead a more hygiene centered lifestyle.

CHD Skill Sector intervention is changing the livelihood pattern for rural youth by empowering them and mainstreaming them into the industry.

CHD Group’s Emergency Teams provide disaster relief and medical support to vulnerable groups pan-india during crisis situation and also enable them to become more resilient in the light of cascading risks faced by them